Top Notch 3-e (Fundamentals B) Student’s Book with WB and MP3 CD-1片省荷包
推薦學習外語的小秘訣Top Notch 3-e (Fundamentals B) Student’s Book with WB and MP3 CD-1片省荷包!
Top Notch 3-e (Fundamentals B) Student’s Book with WB and MP3 CD-1片省荷包曾在博客來 網路書店造成搶購熱潮。
Top Notch 3-e (Fundamentals B) Student’s Book with WB and MP3 CD-1片省荷包佳評如潮值得收藏,看完還讓我回味無窮!
Top Notch 3-e (Fundamentals B) Student’s Book with WB and MP3 CD-1片省荷包誠意推薦給大家看喔!
語言學習Top Notch 3-e (Fundamentals B) Student’s Book with WB and MP3 CD-1片省荷包全書的內容大意
內容簡介: 博客來書店 Description
Top Notch develops confident, culturally fluent English speakers who can successfully navigate the social, travel, and business situations that they will encounter in their lives. It delivers immediate, demonstrable results through its proven pedagogy and systematic recycling of language.
Top Notch provides more practice and more teacher support than any course available today.
Complete and Flexible
?MyEnglishLab is an online learning platform that offers personalized, four-skills practice with feedback on errors, as well as Grammar Coach and Pronunciation Coach videos.
?ActiveTeach is a dynamic, customizable multimedia teaching tool. It includes the Student's Book, in digital form, with point-of-use audio, video, flash cards, interactive activities, and lesson plans. With printable resources and assessment.
博客來網路書局?To listen anytime, anywhere to the Top Notch Classroom Audio Program, go to Download mp3 files at no charge OR purchase the Top Notch Go app-with speed control, navigation, and audio transcripts.
?Student's Book Available with or withour MyEnglishLab
?Teacher's Edition and Lesson Planner
?Full-Course Placement Tests (printable or online)
?Assessment Online in MyEnglishLab or printable from ActiveTeach
?Classroom Audio Program (CDs)
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成交的關鍵密碼:掌握人性(2片CD、無書) | 像漁夫那樣思考,釣不到魚 | 氣場的力量:人際吸引力使用秘笈 | |||
人脈駕馭術 | 從此上班不委屈:15招搞定主管,別讓自己不開心 | 防人術 |
- 新功能介紹 作者: Joan Saslow, Allen Ascher
- 出版社:東華 新功能介紹
- 出版日期:2015/03/27
- 語言:英文
Top Notch 3-e (Fundamentals B) Student’s Book with WB and MP3 CD-1片省荷包
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Top Notch 3-e (Fundamentals B) Student’s Book with WB and MP3 CD-1片省荷包推薦,Top Notch 3-e (Fundamentals B) Student’s Book with WB and MP3 CD-1片省荷包討論,Top Notch 3-e (Fundamentals B) Student’s Book with WB and MP3 CD-1片省荷包比較評比,Top Notch 3-e (Fundamentals B) Student’s Book with WB and MP3 CD-1片省荷包開箱文,Top Notch 3-e (Fundamentals B) Student’s Book with WB and MP3 CD-1片省荷包部落客
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